Navigating Cbd Dosage: A Comprehensive Guide


CBD Dosage Calculator: How Much CBD Should You Take

You’ve heard us talk about all of the great benefits CBD has to offer. Whether it’s chronic pain, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, or other afflictions, many people are now turning to CBD products to relieve symptoms of their ailments. And better still, cannabis has started to become legal in many states (and all of Canada!), which means the government is listening to medical experts and is seeing the value and benefits of cannabis – including CBD.

But how much CBD is right for you? Is there such a thing as “too much” CBD? What happens if you take too much? While we aren’t medical experts, we can help answer some of these questions and provide you with a tool to get you started, even if you’re new to cannabis. If you have a medical prescription, remember to always follow your doctor’s recommended CBD dosage.

How Can I Find Out How Much CBD I Should Be Taking?

The right amount of CBD for you depends on a variety of factors. These factors include your weight, your age, the condition you’re looking to treat, the potency of the oil you’re using, your unique body chemistry, your tolerance to CBD, and more.

The best way to carefully discover the right dosage for you, is to start low, and increase until you feel the effects you’re looking to feel. Start with a very low dose, like 2 mg, and then increase it by 2-5 mg per dose until you feel the desired effects.

This calculator can help you find the approximate dose that may be right for you. It takes body weight and desired strength into consideration, which are key factors in determining a healthy dosage. Keep in mind that these suggested dosages are estimates. If you’ve never used CBD before, do not begin with the higher strength CBD dosage recommendation. Again, start low and grow the amount depending on how you feel.

Potency of the CBD oil you’re using is a huge factor in determining how much oil you should be taking. To determine the potency of the CBD oil you have, you need to take into account the bottle size in mL (ex. 30 ml), and the amount of CBD listed on the bottle (ex. 600 mg). The CBD in mg divided by the size of the bottle will give you your CBD potency in mg/ml. (Ex. 600 mg ÷ 30 ml = 20mg/ml). When you’ve worked out how potent the oil is, you can determine how much you need to get a specific dose. For example, if you want a dose of 20 mg CBD, take 1 ml of oil. If you want 10 mg, take half a dropper, and so on.

What Happens if I Take Too Much CBD?

While CBD is generally safe, there is a reason we’re telling you to start with a low dosage if you’ve never tried it before. Taking too much CBD for your body can result in five typical side effects: low blood pressure, dry mouth, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and tiredness. While these effects are short-term and only last while the CBD is in your system, it’s best to avoid them by taking it easy, and taking the time to work up to the dosage that’s right for you.

Try our Fusion CBD oils and find the one that’s right for you! We’re also here if you have any questions about our oils.

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