What’s the Difference Between CBD Oil and Hemp Oil

A CBD oil vs hemp oil guide should be designed to be as simple to understand and as quick to follow as possible. But there’s also a balance between the depth of its content and how it’s delivered in more digestible pieces of helpful info. This is the design philosophy that we used when developing this comprehensive guide to the most salient differences and similarities between the best CBD oil and hemp oil products in the U.S. market this 2022. So dive right in! 

What is Hemp Oil?

Of course, we need to start with the basics. So let’s discuss attractive fundamentals about hemp oil first. Simply put, hemp oil is an organic product derived from hemp seeds. And hemp is a particular breed under the cannabis family of plants.

Hemp, as a breed of plant, has two main species. These are cannabis Sativa and cannabis Indica. And you’ve probably come across the term “strains” while shopping around for hemp products in the U.S. today. These are different varieties of these Sativa and Indica varieties of hemp.

What is CBD Oil?

On the other hand, CBD oil is extracted mainly from the buds and leaves of hemp. But this extract can also be derived from marijuana plants. CBD stands for cannabidiol, a naturally occurring compound in hemp plants. This is among the most voluminous compounds that can be found in hemp. Here’s a highly recommended beginner’s guide to CBD to learn more about this.

And just like hemp oil, CBD oil can be extracted from hemp and marijuana plants of Indica and Sativa species. Meanwhile, the particular strain you use to do this dictates the levels of CBD and THC, among other organic, naturally occurring cannabinoids in these plants. THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol, which is known to cause psychoactive effects when it interacts with the human CNS (central nervous system).

Hemp vs Marijuana — What’s the Difference?

Simply put, cannabis plants of Indica and Sativa varieties with no more than 0.3% THC content are classified as hemp. On the other hand, those with THC levels beyond 0.3% are known as marijuana.

This is the most fundamental difference between these cannabis plant breeds. That’s because we’re mainly talking about hemp and marijuana’s applications for human consumption. But both have naturally occurring compounds like terpenes and others. These also differ in concentration across hemp and marijuana.

Sativa vs Indica — What’s the Difference?

In this CBD oil vs hemp oil guide, let’s talk about the primary differences between Sativa and Indica species of marijuana and hemp plants. After all, CBD and hemp oil products will differ in application and effects if extracted from either variety or hybrid strains.

Sativa strains promote certain effects when their organic compounds interact with the human CNS. These include bouts of focused motivation, intense concentration and creative inspiration. Other Americans also experience enhanced imagination after taking products infused with Sativa-derived concentrates.

Combined, these effects are often known as mind high. That’s because these primarily deal with cognitive perception and self-awareness. But many of the Americans who helped us develop this guide for the past few months say these strains also give them mild to moderate relief from physical pains and discomfort.

Meanwhile, Indica strains promote stronger body high than mind high. These body high effects include relief from stress and fatigue, physical pains and discomfort. Other cannabis lovers in the U.S. say products derived from Indica strains help them manage insomnia.

On the other hand, hybrid strains result from organic cross-breeding processes done for these two hemp and marijuana plants species. This is why hybrid strains have a variety of Indica-Sativa concentrations.

For example, a hybrid strain is Sativa-dominant when its Sativa concentration is higher than that of Indica. And depending on this concentration, this dictates the strength of the body and the mind high that you’ll feel when you take products derived from these hybrid strains.

What is Hemp Oil Used For?

And now we get more into the meat and potatoes of this CBD vs hemp oil guide. Generally speaking, hemp oil is currently used for many medical and therapeutic applications. These include treating rashes and inflammations, among other skin breakouts, stress management and relief from fatigue.

Meanwhile, these hemp oil products are also currently being scientifically tested by many laboratories and university research groups all around the U.S. for their potential to help in treating serious health problems like cardiovascular and brain diseases. Recently published studies indicate positive results in many of the clinical tests performed by these groups of industry experts.

What is CBD Oil Used For?

CBD oil has applications similar to those of hemp oil. But because CBD oil products can be derived from marijuana plants and not just hemp, the THC content of these oils may vary from product to product, depending on its producers.

And this is also why many Americans say they use CBD oil for managing anxiety and stress, more than for pain relief. That’s because higher THC levels are known to produce more mind-altering effects than products with 0 to trace amounts of THC. To learn more about these products and others that contain similar organic compounds, you’re advised to check out this comprehensive guide that outlines the most salient differences and similarities between CBD oil vs CBD capsules.

CBD Oil vs Hemp Oil — What’s the Difference?

Simply put, hemp oil is derived from, as its name implies, hemp. Meanwhile, CBD oil may be extracted from either hemp plants or marijuana. And the main difference regarding the extraction of these products from these different cannabis plant breeds is that hemp is known to only contain no more than 0.3% THC, while the THC content of marijuana can be much higher.

Another salient difference is how CBD oil and hemp oil are produced. The former is extracted from the buds and leaves of marijuana or hemp plants. Depending on their producer, this extraction process may or may not include the seeds of the plants used. On the other hand, hemp oil uses only the seeds of hemp plants to extract this concentrate.

CBD Oil for Anxiety?

As described earlier in a section of this CBD oil vs hemp oil guide, this type of cannabis product is known to positively help manage anxiety and depression, among a few other psychological conditions. This is mainly attributed by many American medical professionals and scientific research laboratories all around the country to the stronger mind high effects of the compounds found in CBD oil products with higher levels of THC upon interacting with the human CNS.

Some groups of American cannabis enthusiasts say they prefer Sativa-dominant strains used for their CBD oils with higher amounts of THC percentages when it comes to helping manage bouts of anxiety, mild to moderate panic attacks and paranoia. However, the same individuals also say their favourite Sativa-dominant strains for these applications are hybrid. That’s because they also say they don’t usually get the effects they want for managing anxiety and stress without significant levels of Indica concentrations in their CBD oils.

CBD Oil for Pain?

Meanwhile, lots of Americans all around the country say they prefer to use CBD oil for pain. That’s for managing physical pains like backaches and leg pains, among others that healed surgical operations might cause after accidental injuries and other physiological conditions, such as scoliosis and the like.

This is also among the most popular, widely known applications of CBD oil products, especially those that don’t contain high amounts of THC. Still, many groups in the U.S. say they prefer CBD oils when the strains used for producing these oils are Indica-dominant species of marijuana or hemp plants. And, just like Sativa-dominant strains, many American medical professionals and scientific research groups attribute this positive result to the stronger body high effects of Indica varieties.

Best CBD Oil Products in the U.S. Cannabis Market This 2022

And in this section of this CBD oil vs hemp oil guide, let’s talk about the top CBD oil products in America’s cannabis market today. Since the best CBD oil picks of the cannabis lovers we interviewed all around the U.S. ranged across hundreds of brand varieties, we pruned this 2022 selection down to 4 major types and categories. These are:

  1. CBD Oil for Pain is the best-selling product category throughout America’s cannabis industry this year. Extracted mostly from Indica-dominant strains with CBD and trace amounts of THC (no more than 0.3%), these products are outstanding in relieving physical pains and discomfort, according to the large groups of American cannabis lovers we interviewed for this guide. Many say they prefer to mix their favourite CBD oils with recipes and snacks. Others say they like skincare products infused with CBD and other organic compounds more than those intended for making CBD edibles.
  2. CBD Oil for Insomnia — Many Americans who helped us create this CBD oil vs hemp oil guide say they use CBD oils as a supplemental ingredient for their favourite recipes and snacks. That’s because many of them use this to help them gain more restful sleep. Many of them suffer from insomnia time and again, they said.
  3. CBD Oil for Anxiety — These CBD oils are mostly infused with high amounts of THC, which is also why a lot of these are homemade recipes. Still, there are commercially available CBD oils for anxiety that don’t go beyond the 0.3% per 1000mg limit but are still effective in managing stress, fatigue and anxiety, according to many groups throughout the U.S.
  4. CBD Oil for Treating Appetite Loss — Many Americans who contributed to the development of this guide, most of whom are suffering from chronic bouts of appetite loss due to other medical conditions, say they prefer using CBD oil to improve their appetite. Meanwhile, some say they want to gain weight for their body-building targets.

Hemp Oil for Cooking

Now let’s talk about using hemp oil and the benefits it’s known to offer when it comes to cooking your favourite recipes. Some American hemp oil lovers told us that they associate these hemp oil products in the market today with traditional sesame, olive and sunflower seed oils, mainly because using hemp oil for preparing delectable recipes seems to bring out unique flavours, tastes and aromas from their recipes. And many of them say that the relaxing, soothing effects they feel after taking these edibles add to the overall value they get from these cannabis-infused products.

Meanwhile, other groups of cannabis lovers in the U.S., particularly those who enjoy smoking weed, say they use the buds of their favourite hybrid strains to make cannabutter. Then, they add hemp oil to their recipes, along with their cannabutter. They say this adds higher levels of THC to their edibles, allowing them to enjoy their meals and snacks more. Well, they also say the high tolerance that their bodies gradually built through years of smoking weed most likely helps them manage the psychoactive effects of the edibles they prepare with higher than usual concentrations of THC. Plus, some of them wanted to shed some light regarding the common misconception that hemp doesn’t contain any THC. In reality, it does, though just trace amounts of it, in most instances.

Hemp Oil Recipes for Skin Health

Some hemp oil products in the U.S. cannabis market this year are promoted as beneficial supplements for improving overall skin health. But more are packaged as hemp oils that can help treat rashes, allergies and other skin breakouts.

However, many Americans prefer to use these hemp oil products to prepare their favourite meals and snacks. Many even have a list of specific hemp oil recipes for skin health.

Most of them say they prefer to use hemp oils that contain 0 to trace amounts of THC, particularly those with smaller than usual THC concentrations. That’s because when used for treating skin rashes and breakouts, CBD (cannabidiol) is known to be among the most effective naturally occurring compounds in hemp for treating skin inflammations. Plus, this soothes and relaxes their skin, they say.

What to Look Out for When Buying Hemp Oil in the U.S. This Year

Of course, buying guides are essential for a helpful CBD oil vs hemp oil guide. So here you go:

First, check the producer or manufacturer of the hemp oil brands you’re interested in. It’s always best to go with companies with verifiable proof regarding the food-grade safety and industry-standard compliance of the equipment, raw components, production processes, packaging systems, storage facilities, and distribution outlets they use for their hemp oil products to reach their target customers.

So you’re advised to check if those brands and producers were issued valid certifications and up-to-date licenses to produce, store and distribute hemp oil products in your area and other U.S. states and regions by the American government. Otherwise, keep in mind that there are risks involved when you use hemp oil products that haven’t gone through and passed the rigorous testing, inspection and confirmation processes used by your local, federal and national governments.

Second, check the business and distribution licenses of the stores and eCommerce shops on your shortlist. Prioritize those with up-to-date licenses and business permits. Aside from ensuring that they’re serious regarding their liabilities and responsibilities to their customers, many of them likely have organized, above-the-board systems for running their businesses.

This can, in turn, be attributed in most cases to streamlined processes for maintaining industry-standard sanitization, storage, handling and distribution procedures. You wouldn’t want to buy anything from stores and eCommerce shops that don’t deploy thorough systems to counter-check their operations for handling products that you intend to put into your body, would you?

Third, consult your physician or any medical professional near you. Of course, go with an expert with specialized experience in the field of cannabis edibles. Please verify with them whether your current physiological condition won’t cause any adverse reaction when you use hemp oils.

Of course, this allows you to carefully select the most suitable hemp oil products in your favourite stores and eCommerce shops for the current state of your body and mind. That’s because these experts can give you helpful advice regarding these things. Also, keep in mind to tell them about any other medication that you’re currently taking, if any.

Fourth, you’re ill-advised to buy hemp oil products with price tags that sound too good to be true. Remember, it requires a lot of resources for producing, packaging, storing and distributing hemp oil products, or any cannabis product for that matter in the U.S. today.

And, a lot of capital is involved in using high-quality raw materials and industry-standard processes for growing, producing and packaging cannabis products. So it makes sense for streamlined businesses to expect good profits from all the strict protocols and costly investments they need to make so you can get an end product that’s safe and beneficial.

Fifth, verify if the packaging of the hemp oils that reached your doorstep hasn’t been tampered with or compromised in any way. Not to spread unnecessary paranoia, but you’re recommended to do this because sometimes, handling and deliveries can accidentally damage the packaging of these products or any product for that matter.

To do this, you’re advised to check how the hemp oil products you bought, particularly their packaging, exactly looks like when taken fresh from the shelves of your shortlisted stores and eCommerce shops. This way, you’ll be able to compare and contrast minor to significant differences, enabling you to make a more informed decision whether or not the product is safe to use.

What to Look Out for When Buying CBD Oil in the American Market This 2022

By following the steps outlined in the previous section of this CBD oil vs hemp oil guide, you’ll be able to reduce, if not eliminate, the negative stuff that could happen when you go out to buy and use your desired CBD oil products from your favourite stores and eCommerce shops today. Keep in mind to be more vigilant because CBD oil is more widespread across American consumers and sells a lot more than hemp oil. With this also comes many more scammers and distributors of low-quality products just out to make a quick buck.

Plus, don’t forget the benefit that consumer reviews can provide you. By browsing through up-to-date ratings and reviews left by other American cannabis lovers for the CBD and hemp oil products you’re interested in across your shortlisted stores and eCommerce shops, you’ll be able to get more valuable insights on the overall quality of not just the products, but also the processes that those business establishments deploy and their commitment to offering world-class customer service.

You can even respond to some of the reviews you come across that talk in more detail about your desired CBD oil and hemp oil products. By doing this, you can leave questions, which the original posters can then help you with answers drawn from their experience in using the product and dealing with the store.

And this concludes this guide to CBD oils and hemp oils in the U.S. cannabis industry this year. We hope you use all the good stuff you learned here so you can get the best CBD oil or hemp oil out there today.