Could You Overdose While Consuming CBD

Since CBD is derived from marijuana, then you might be thinking it’d be possible to overdose while consuming CBD. And naturally, when you want to try out something new, it’s only normal that you’ll want to know the ingredients to ensure that what you’re putting in your body is safe. But plenty of experts state that CBD is relatively safe, even in large doses. However, many factors can put you at risk for CBD overdose. 

What is CBD?

CBD is short for Cannabidiol. CBD is an organic compound extracted from cannabis plants, specifically its leaves. Cannabis is the same plant that produces THC and is one of the two compounds that come from cannabis plants. But contrary to THC, CBD doesn’t come with that ‘high’ feeling that one usually gets when consuming products made from cannabis. Instead, CBD products are made to help you feel relaxed, which is why people who own CBD products will consume them an hour or less before going to sleep.

A vital tip to help you achieve that relaxed feeling after ingesting CBD products is to learn the best dosage for you. Taking CBD products can condition you into feeling calm and relaxed. However, it’s still essential for you to check the correct dosage of your CBD intake to prevent a possible CBD overdose. Ingesting too much CBD into your body in one go can still pose a health concern.

But one of the questions you need to ask is: Are you at risk for a CBD overdose? And can you ingest a huge amount of CBD in one go? Like other supplements, it’s always good to take these things in moderate doses – The amount that your body can handle.

Can You be Addicted to CBD Oil?

If you want to try out CBD products in all forms, then you’ll be delighted to know that more and more states are becoming welcoming in selling or consuming them. And once it’s become more accepted, people who use CBD will want to maintain a high intake of CBD ingestion, almost incorporating it into their daily lives. The growing popularity of CBD oil has opened up the doors to more extensive research regarding cannabis plants, THC, and CBD – Including the long-term and short-term effects of its usage. 

One of these investigations is thorough research on the negative and positive effects of ingesting CBD. As mentioned, CBD and THC both come from cannabis plants. In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) presented their findings on the impacts of CBD on one’s body. They stated that CBD does not cause addictive behaviour in its regular users. 

 It’s also important to remember that CBD doesn’t make you high compared to THC. Instead, you can feel its effects on your body physically, instead of the components altering your brain and way of thinking. THC is the one that has those effects, causing its users to feel ‘high.’

Why Can’t Cannabinoid Products Cause CBD Consumption Overdose?

First off, what is an overdose? In general, an overdose is defined as ‘taking more than the recommended dosage’ of a drug or any medicine. If you end up overdosing on something, then you can end up in a coma or even die. Overdosing on something will all depend on the drug you took, as well as how much you took in one sitting. 

The most common symptoms of overdosing include:

  • Changes in a heartbeat. For instance, a cocaine overdose will increase your heart rate, while overdosing on opioids will reduce it. 
  • Sped-up or slowed-down breathing. Sometimes people who overdose will have difficulty breathing at all. 
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches 
  • Chest pain
  • Feeling restless and agitated.
  • Vomiting and nausea

Compared to the drugs mentioned above of opiates and cocaine, CBD products don’t inhibit the brainstem. The brainstem is the part of a person’s brain which controls our breathing, digestion, body temperature, blood pressure, and heartbeat. 

Ingesting a huge amount of opioids can cause the person to overdose because your brainstem has plenty of opioid receptors. If these receptors are too stimulated, they could slow down your heartbeat and breathing. 

Our brainstems also include cannabinoid receptors. There are even more cannabinoid receptors found in our brains than opioid receptors, as they are also present in the spinal cord. But you won’t find any of these cannabinoid receptors in the lower half of the brainstem. So even if your body ingests several doses of CBD products, there won’t be enough of these receptors to truly affect the brain, our way of thinking, and our actions.

So, in short: A high concentration of cannabinoids in the body won’t result in a CBD overdose. The same can be said for high amounts of THC ingested in the body. Too much CBD in the body isn’t lethal, but it’s still entirely possible for you to feel ill for a couple of hours. 

Aside from that, even a considerable amount of CBD is still too weak for CB1 receptors in the brain to start triggering any psychoactive or hallucinogenic effects, unlike THC. Ingesting too much CBD in the body will not give you any adverse side effects THC will, such as paranoia, anxiety attacks, or delusions – In fact, it does the exact opposite. CBD works on the other receptors found in the brainstem, including serotonin and vanilloid receptors, tempering down the harsh effects that THC may carry. 

How Much is Too Much CBD?

It all depends on your body mass. A person’s body mass will often show how much CBD (or any other substance) they can consume without the risk of overdosing. A person’s body type will also show how much CBD they can handle without experiencing adverse side effects. 

An average body mass can consume over 300 to 1,500 milligrams of CBD daily. Meanwhile, the average CBD oil bottle contains that exact amount – 1,500 milligrams. Consuming one bottle of CBD oil in a day will already give you enough CBD to last for 24 hours. Anything above that will bring out the side mentioned above effects, affecting how your body handles the cannabinoids. 

What Happens When You Consume Too Much CBD?

As mentioned, ingesting too much of any of these cannabinoids in one day won’t result in a CBD overdose, let alone death. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that you won’t experience any discomfort. In the end, CBD is also a drug, which means consuming too much of it will also present some side effects. 

Ingesting too much CBD can lead to:

  • Appetite changes
  • Diarrhea or loose bowel movements
  • Dry mouth. This is due to the cannabinoid receptors in your mouth lowering saliva production. 
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, and drowsiness. Too much CBD can lower the user’s blood pressure because the blood vessels in your body are too relaxed. 

Also, if you regularly take other medications, the CBD can interact with it and increase or decrease its effectiveness. A good example is warfarin, a medicine that doubles as an anticoagulant (blood thinner). Consuming too much CBD can increase warfarin’s effect. The cannabinoids cling to the enzymes responsible for breaking down warfarin, letting you feel its effects longer. The same can be said for antiepileptic drugs such as clobazam and phenytoin.

If you take maintenance medications but plan to use CBD in your daily activities, please talk to a doctor first regarding CBD use. You can discuss with a physician about CBD usage, and they can give you advice on whether it’s advisable to use it or not. Physicians will also tell you whether the CBD will impact your daily medications. They can also help you regulate your CBD usage, telling you how often you should use your CBD oil and the recommended dosage. 

Can Pets Consume CBD? Can They Experience CBD Overdose Too?

Yes, they can. There are plenty of pet products out on the market laced with CBD. However, if you’re planning to add some CBD oil to your dog’s food, only use a tiny amount. Cannabidiol usage among pets has become a hot topic of debate among holistic health practitioners and vets. But as the years go by, it seems like the number of advantages in CBD use for pets keeps on growing – With thousands of pet owners stating that CBD has done more good on their pets than harm. 

Some of the most common pet products with CBD include pet peanut butter, dog biscuits or cat treats, chew toys, and CBD sprays.

A Quick Guide to Everything CBD-related shows that pets can also experience adverse side effects from consuming too much CBD. And like humans, it all depends on the animal’s weight, size, and health. After purchasing a CBD-laced pet product, always follow the instructions included in the packaging. Most of the time, they have a guide that tells you the correct dosage to give for your pet – For big dogs, small dogs, cats, etc. This will ensure that your pet always receives the proper CBD oil dosage to help them relax and cure whatever ails them. 

But all in all, giving your pets CBD oil is generally safe, as long as it’s just a tiny amount. For oils, add a drop or two into their food or water dish – Or if they’re trained dogs, you can command them to stay still and place a few drops of the oil on their tongue. Research says that CBD oil can lessen the amount of osteoarthritis or arthritis in pets, as commonly found in older dogs. 

What’s the Exact Amount of CBD to be Considered Lethal?

There’s still no answer regarding the exact amount of CBD dosage to be considered lethal. But according to a study conducted in 2011, consuming up to 1500 mg of CBD per day is pretty much the equivalent of ingesting an entire bottle of potent CBD. This can be helpful if you have schizophrenia, as those who have this mental condition have not reported any adverse side effects after consuming large doses of CBD. 

Another study conducted in 2018 regarding the safety and tolerability of CBD use showed that people who were used to consuming CBD can take at least 1500 mg to a whopping 6000 mg per day. However, some reported side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, drowsiness, and headaches – Albeit mild. 

How Should You Consume CBD Oils?

You can consume CBD oils in many different ways – Add a few drops to your food or drink, or apply it to your skin. CBD is good at supporting one’s physical health. But these are the three most common ways to apply CBDs:

  • Balms – Topical creams and balms are applied to the skin instead of taken orally. This lets your skin absorb CBD’s components, allowing it to enter your bloodstream much faster. 
  • Oils – This is perhaps the most common way to consume CBD. A few drops of CBD oil are applied below the tongue, held for a few seconds, then swallowed in its natural form. CBD oils will then enter your system and support your ailments or just your health overall. If you’re new to the whole CBD consumption process or anxious about ingesting CBD oils, then add a couple of drops to your food or drink. This adds a bit of flavour to your food. 
  • Edibles – Another popular method of consuming CBD. As an edible, CBD can be bought in gummies or capsules, which makes it easy for you to digest and swallow. Chewing CBD also allows it to enter your digestive system in a much quicker way. 

Are CBDs Safe To Use?

According to a report, the WHO has generally agreed that CBD is very safe to use. This is because of the amount of non-psychoactive cannabinoids found in its products, and people who have consumed CBD products have reported nothing but positive effects on their bodies. In short, it is a cannabinoid that is well-tolerated by its consumers, with an excellent and reliable safety profile. 

CBD products don’t affect our brains after consumption, unlike THC products, as mentioned several times. A CBD product prescribed by a doctor can cure seizures. But there is still plenty of research that needs to be conducted to determine if CBDs are safe to use. 

Unlike THC, CBD doesn’t include all the psychoactive ingredients commonly found in marijuana. Therefore, it doesn’t produce that familiar ‘high’ associated with THC and marijuana-based products in general. 

At present, the only CBD-infused product that has garnered from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is Epidiolex, a prescription oil with a high amount of cannabinoids. Epidiolex is often used to treat people with epilepsy. But despite the approval, the usage of Epidiolex still depends on state laws – The same goes for any CBD-based product. Other experts have begun studying CBD oils, looking at them as a possible cure for Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, as well as other life-threatening conditions. These include mental disorders such as anxiety and schizophrenia. But because CBD is still considered controversial because of its links to marijuana, research and funding into researching its effects are still quite limited. 

Another cause of concern for CBD usage is the unreliability regarding the dosage and purity of CBD oils. Several experts and CBD blogs tested out 84 types of CBD products, both purchased online and in wellness stores or CBD specialty stores. It was later revealed that a quarter of these products contained less CBD than what was stated in the product’s labels or packaging. Some of these products also substituted THC oils for pure CBD. 

Can CBD Make You Sick?

Just a regular dose of cannabinoids won’t make you sick. However, too much of it consumed in one sitting can still cause vomiting, nausea, and migraines. These won’t lead to a CBD overdose and will go away after a couple of hours. Some people might also develop allergies after taking CBD for the first time, although this is a rare case. If you have a pollen allergy, then it’s possible that you can develop an allergy to cannabinoids too, which includes both THC and CBD products.

It doesn’t matter what type of CBD product you use – They’re all made from the same ingredients anyway, so your body will see them as allergens. Because CBD comes from cannabis plants, it can include properties like histamine or pollen, causing plenty of allergic reactions. On the other hand, though, some CBD products out there can do the opposite and help lessen or cure one’s allergies. 

Symptoms of being allergic to CBD products include breathing problems or an itchy nose a few minutes after ingestion. When the first signs of CBD allergy show up, make sure to stop using the product immediately. There is a difference between showing off the side effects of CBD product usage and being allergic to CBD.

  • SIDE EFFECTS OF INGESTING TOO MUCH CBD: You could experience plenty of side effects when ingesting too many CBD oils. They’re pretty much different from allergic reactions to CBD, but the source is the same – Too much CBD ingestion or your body being too sensitive to CBD. The most common CBD side effects include dry mouth, drowsiness, lightheadedness, and low blood pressure. Those who have Parkinson’s disease could experience increased tremors in their bodies. It’s also dangerous to consume CBD oils when taking other medications because they can decrease or increase their effects.
  • ALLERGIC REACTIONS TO CBD: Unlike side effects, an allergic reaction to CBD can happen in an instant. This occurs with all forms of CBD ingestion, whether smoking, touching, inhaling, or consuming the product orally or topically. Allergic reactions usually happen when your body’s immune system ends up overreacting to a substance identified as a threat. Your brain will then assign the immune system to start producing a type of antibody and Immunogloubin E, resulting in an allergic reaction. The reactions will all depend on how strong the person’s immune system is and the amount of Immunogloubin E that their body produces. Allergies towards CBD products can change over time and can even disappear. Allergic reactions to CBD products include Runny nose and sneezing, sore throat, eye redness and irritation, nausea, congestion and dry cough. Skin reactions include Dry skin, redness and inflammation, hives, and blisters. In rare instances, exposure to CBD products can cause a person to go into anaphylactic shock, a type of life-threatening allergic reaction. Allergic reactions to CBD are tested out by doctors using two methods: Blood tests and skin prick tests. 

Can You Overdose on CBD Oil?

As long as you follow the correct and suggested recommendations, you won’t end up in a CBD overdose when you ingest too much oil in one sitting. An average CBD bottle contains at least 1500 mg of oil. Always ingest a healthy limit if you want to follow the daily recommendations. 

There’s a very slim chance that you’ll suffer from a CBD overdose. According to the studies conducted by the Open Access Government, those people who have consumed a high amount of CBD – Around 20,000mg per day – Didn’t even experience anything lethal or were hospitalized after consumption. The only reported side effects were an upset stomach, drowsiness, lethargy, and exhaustion.

But keep in mind that it is never a good idea to tempt fate, despite CBD being a safe product. Always follow the directions in your CBD product to support your overall health.