Tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC, is commonly found in marijuana plants. The chemical in the plant is responsible for making people feel high. It can stay in the body for several days or even weeks.
THC is the main reason why people find drug tests to be alarming. It is often present in the bloodstream, urine, and saliva, so it can be detected in drug tests. As a result, people need to be aware of how long THC can stay in their systems and take the necessary precautions to avoid a positive drug test result.
In this article, we will discuss THC in depth and ways to prevent positive drug tests. We’ll also answer the question “How Long Does 0.3% THC Stay In Your System?”
What You Need To Know About THC
THC is a chemical that contains most of the psychological effects found in marijuana. It acts similarly to plenty of cannabinoid chemicals that your body naturally produces. These cannabinoid receptors are all concentrated in a particular area of the brain, notably those connected to coordination, pleasure, memory, thinking, and time perception.
THC connects itself to these receptors and begins to activate them. These can then affect a person’s memory, movements, thinking, pleasure, and sensory perception of time. THC works to stimulate the cells within your brain, triggering dopamine release as well.
This release gives you the feeling of euphoria and interferes with how information is processed in your brain, specifically, the part where new memories are created. The effects of THC are felt around 30 minutes after ingestion.
THC Potential Benefits
The National Cancer Institute mentioned that marijuana had been used as an all-natural medicine for at least 3000 years. For instance, in ancient Chinese medicine, THC was used to address many ailments, including constipation, rheumatism, malaria, and absentmindedness.
In 2017, at least half of the United States officially legalized the use of medical marijuana. In December 2018, the 2018 Farm Bill was signed into law, which removed hemp from the definition of marijuana in the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).
Meanwhile, Canada also legalized the use of marijuana for both medical and recreational purposes in 2018. The medical effects of marijuana include pain relief, improved appetite, and a reduction in anxiety. It has also been known to help reduce symptoms of glaucoma and other eye diseases, as well as reduce nausea and vomiting caused by cancer treatments.
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Body Retention Of 0.3% THC
The amount of time that THC can remain inside your body, or continue to show even after you take a drug test, depends on a number of factors, including:
- How frequently do you consume or ingest marijuana
- The amount of body fat you have
- How much you smoke it
- How sensitive the drug test is
Other drugs, including alcohol, can disappear from your body in only hours. Meanwhile, marijuana’s effects tend to last longer.
Can 0.3% THC Show Up in Drug Tests?
Drug tests can easily detect THC in your hair, blood, or urine samples for many days after use. Meanwhile, a salivary test can only detect THC in your body for a couple of hours. This is because of how your body metabolizes THC after ingestion.
THC itself is a type of lipid-soluble chemical. This means that it can attach itself to fat deposits inside your body. In turn, this will increase the time it takes for somebody to get rid of THC completely. Research from 2017 estimated that a detection window after smoking a marijuana cigarette could last up to 3 days.
The study also revealed that:
- When you smoke marijuana for the first time, a drug test can detect it for around three days.
- For those who smoke at least three to four times every week, the detection window could go for five to 7 days.
- And if you smoke marijuana once a day, or even twice a day, then a drug test can detect it in your system for 30 days or even longer.
The study has also revealed that:
- If you smoke marijuana for the first time, the drug tests can catch it for around three days.
- For those who smoke it at least three to four times every week, the detection window could go for five up to 7 days.
- And if you smoke marijuana once a day, or even twice a day, then a drug test can detect it in your system for 30 days or even longer.
How Long Does Delta-8 Stay In Your System Based On The Method Of Drug Test?
The “Detection windows” will also depend on the kind of test you take. The general estimation for the following marijuana tests is as follows:
Urine tests
Urine tests for marijuana use are one of the most common drug tests because they are non-invasive, easy to administer, and cost-effective. It can detect THC and its metabolites in the body for around 3 to 30 days after using it. For example, a single use of marijuana can be detected in the urine for up to 3-10 days, while heavy marijuana use can be detected for up to 30 days after the last use.
Saliva Tests
Salivary tests are used to detect the presence of certain hormones, drugs, and other substances in the saliva. These tests are non-invasive and can be used to diagnose a number of conditions. Saliva tests can spot marijuana for at least a day after usage. Specific saliva tests, meanwhile, have spotted marijuana for around 72 hours.
Hair Tests
A hair drug test is a type of drug test that can detect the presence of drugs in your system for a longer period of time. The test works by analyzing a sample of hair for the presence of drugs and their metabolites. This can be used to determine if a person has used drugs in the past few months.
Please keep in mind that this particular drug test examines the oil within your skin, which travels to your hair. This is why they might show up as a false positive. People who come into contact with a THC user can test positive on a hair test as well.
Blood Test
A blood test is the most accurate way to detect marijuana use in recent times. It measures the presence of THC in the bloodstream and can detect use within a few days. This makes it an ideal tool for detecting drug use promptly and accurately.
Studies On Marijuana Detection In Drug Tests
A drug test can detect even the tiniest hint of THC in the body. The amount of THC placed inside a marijuana cigarette varies as well. There is evidence that frequent marijuana smokers are twice as likely to fail a drug test compared to those who only use the drug sparingly. Fortunately, there are studies and experiments available that provide a more comprehensive understanding of HTC detection in drug tests.
Clinical Chemistry Study
In 2012, a study was conducted on marijuana users who smoked cigarettes containing 6.8 percent THC. When handing a urine sample, concentrations of THC were measured up to 0.6 percent, even several hours after they had finished smoking the cigarette. And when the experts conducting the research did a sensitive urine test on the participants, they found THC in the urine of over 100 percent of frequent marijuana users and 60 to 100 percent of those who didn’t use it often.
South West Research Ethics Committee Study
In 2017, 136 test subjects who smoked heavy or small amounts of marijuana were recruited to provide hair samples. During these experiments, the researchers snipped their subjects’ hair into sections, all measuring 1 centimeter, to test for THC exposure for up to a month. It was then revealed that around 77 percent of heavy marijuana smokers and 39 percent of non-heavy marijuana smokers tested positive. Meanwhile, the participants who weren’t marijuana smokers all tested negative, which suggests that the false positives usually revealed during hair drug tests are rare.
What Factors Can Influence THC Detection In Drug Tests?
Several factors can significantly influence the ability of a test to detect marijuana or THC in the system, including:
THC, along with other substances, is more difficult for our bodies to metabolize as we age. This can cause us to fail drug tests even if we haven’t used THC in weeks or months, as trace amounts of THC can remain in our bodies for much longer periods of time in older people.
Consumption Method
Different Delta-9 products are retained in the body for varying periods of time. It takes your body longer to break down Delta-9 edibles than it does to break down THC when you smoke it. Normally, it takes one day for your body to metabolize these two substances.
Body Fat
Because marijuana always ends up inside a person’s fat deposits, those who have more significant fat concentrations in their bodies could metabolize marijuana more slowly than a slimmer person. Checking a person’s BMI (body mass index) is an excellent way to judge a person’s body fat.
The person’s gender also factors here – women have more body fat than men. This means that THC is detectable for longer periods of time in women than in men, as the fat cells can store THC more effectively, making it harder for the body to break it down and remove it from the system.
If you want to test negative for THC or marijuana, your body has to get rid of THC from your system as fast as possible. This is in addition to all of the metabolic chemicals connected to THC use. An individual with a faster metabolism can get rid of THC in their bodies much faster than those with a slower metabolism.
Exercising doesn’t change the rate at which your body can metabolize THC – But this can be possible if you exercise a few hours before taking the drug test. In a short study involving 14 marijuana users were asked to jog or walk 30 minutes on a treadmill or ride an exercise bike.
The results afterward showed that THC in their bodies increased by a rather significant amount. This proves that exercising before taking a drug test can increase the chance of a positive result. The people conducting the research then believed that exercising would cause your fat cells to release THC. Upon analyzing the results, it was revealed that those with a higher BMI had higher levels of THC in their bodies.
The Dosage
The amount of THC that a person consumes will play a huge factor in passing a drug test. When it comes to THC, the effects can be pretty cumulative. There’s also the concentration of the THC you take that matters.
Without the aid of sensitive lab equipment, there would be no way for these researchers to gauge the strength of THC in their test subjects accurately. For example, how high an individual feels while they smoke marijuana isn’t a reliable way to measure it. This is because there are plenty of factors, aside from THC dosage, that can weaken or intensify the psychoactive effects after smoking.
Water Intake
Dehydration also increases the concentration of THC in the body. There is evidence that drinking plenty of water can help to dilute the concentration of THC in the body and may therefore help to improve the chances of passing a drug test.
Home Drug Test For THC
It is impossible to predict when your body will metabolize and eliminate THC. But you can always purchase a home drug test at the pharmacy or online, which allows you to test yourself for the presence of THC in your system.
Home drug tests measure the THC metabolites that are stored in fat cells and released into the bloodstream. This can give you an approximate idea of when your body will have eliminated THC since the rate of metabolism is generally consistent. THC should probably disappear or have very low concentrations in 30 days for the majority of users. And if you don’t smoke it too often, it’ll take at least ten days or less for THC concentrations to leave the body altogether.
Can CBD Show Up On A Drug Test?
Drug tests usually identify THC, along with its metabolites. Even though these drug tests don’t screen for CBD, some CBD products still contain traces of THC. A person might fail a drug test if this is detected. Most CBD products are usually taken from hemp, another THC type of cannabis.
But the difference is that hemp is federally legal compared to marijuana. Even though certain CBD products don’t usually include THC, the contamination of THC in the product could have happened while the product was being manufactured. The label found on the product’s packaging might be incomplete in some instances.
Theoretically, a person can also fail a drug test if they consume CBD products mixed with even a tiny amount of THC. Furthermore, consuming CBD-infused foods could also get you high. This is due to the fact that many CBD product manufacturers claim to remove THC from their products, but this is not the case for all of them.
There are times when CBD-infused products are not tested by a third party or are mislabeled, sometimes without even mentioning the actual THC content. You should only buy CBD products from a highly reputable source if you want to avoid getting a positive drug test result for THC.
Is There A Reason For The False-positive Result?
During a urine-based drug test, people can also obtain a false-positive result for THC if they are taking other medications, such as anti-inflammatory drugs. Furthermore, it was discovered that even those individuals who were exposed to either second-hand or passive cannabis smoking could still test positive on a saliva-based drug test.
As an example, in one study, marijuana-free volunteers sat in an unventilated room with five others who smoked marijuana joints for a few hours. After conducting research, researchers found THC in the saliva of marijuana-free volunteers.
A study conducted before that also tested whether second-hand marijuana smoke could also produce a positive result in a urine-based drug test. These researchers collected over 80 urine samples from their volunteers a day after exposing marijuana-free participants to smoking marijuana cigarettes. Only two of these samples tested positive. However, none of the samples had a percentage above federal thresholds for marijuana use.
How Long is CBD Detectable On Each Drug Test?
The answer varies from person to person and depends on CBD intake and its timeframe. Let’s examine each of the drug tests that screen for CBD in more detail:
Urine Tests
Among the many drug tests available, urine-based tests are perhaps the most popular and common drug testing method for future employers. However, the detection period for THC using a urine drug test can vary. This will all hinge mainly on the amount of CBD you take and how often you ingest the product. It is common for the metabolites of CBD to appear in a urine test as soon as three days to two weeks after the last time you took the CBD-infused product.
The Mayo Clinic has said that these CBD metabolites can be detected in a test for as long as 15 days after ingesting the product, especially if you are a daily or at least frequent user.
Hair Tests
Hair tests are different because they can detect drugs in your system for an extended period. The tests will spot the THC metabolites inside CBD for around three months after the administration. But these hair tests don’t happen too often for THC and CBD screenings.
Blood And Saliva Tests
Even though blood and saliva tests for detecting CBD aren’t that common either, they can still spot THC metabolites in the body.
What Are The Best Ways To Guarantee That You’ll Pass A Drug Test?
Several liver and blood cleansing products are available to increase your chances of passing a drug test. However, these products are not foolproof and there is no guarantee that you will pass a drug test if you use them. Drug tests are becoming more sophisticated and can detect even trace amounts of drugs in your system. The best way to guarantee that you’ll pass a drug test is to abstain from drug use beforehand.
Can Drug Tests Tell The Difference Between CBD And THC?
Generally speaking, drug tests are designed to detect compounds that are produced by the body in response to the presence of THC, not CBD. Therefore, most drug tests will not show a positive result for CBD.
However, there are some exceptions. CBD can be converted into THC by certain enzymes in the body, which means that drug tests can show a positive result for THC even if only CBD was consumed. For this reason, it is important to consult with a doctor before taking CBD, especially if you are subject to drug testing.
Final Words
Different cannabis products have different concentrations of THC and CBD, and it is important to know exactly how much of each is in the product you are using. This will help you to ensure that you get the desired effects from the product without overdoing it, and give you the answer to the question: how long does 0.3% THC stay in your system?
It is always important to stick to reliable brands when purchasing cannabis products, as they are more likely to ensure that the products are accurately labelled and have the correct concentration of THC and CBD.
For anyone who needs to take a drug test, knowing how long each product will remain in their system is essential. Estimates suggest that 0.3% THC can remain in your body for up to five hours, while its metabolites can remain in your system for up to 90 days. There are a number of common drug tests available.
However, most can detect metabolites only for a short period of time. When preparing for a drug test, be sure to drink plenty of water, take foods high in fiber, and exercise regularly in order to help eliminate any residual 0.3% THC as quickly as possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Does CBD Stay in Your Body?
Just because you no longer feel the effects of CBD doesn’t necessarily mean that it can’t be detected anymore. CBD’s half-life usually lasts for 18 up to 32 hours. But it can still be spotted on certain lab tests during a much more extended period than that.
The average drug test screens for THC use and not CBD. THC, as mentioned earlier, is one of the biggest components of marijuana. But some CBD products do contain trace amounts of THC. If you still pass a drug test after ingesting CBD, that doesn’t always mean you have traces of THC inside your body. It just means that it’s only below detection level. Several drug tests start at a different cut-off level. Legally, plenty of hemp-based products, including CBD, can include 0.3 percent of THC.
And what’s more, there are still a few tests that are highly effective at spotting THC in the body and for a more extended period. The type of drug test you take part in – As well as how long it’s been since you last ingested CBD – Could still influence whether it’s detectable or not. Remember that the more frequently you use THC-laced products or marijuana, the more comprehensive these detection windows become.
Is There a Difference Between Broad Spectrum CBD, Full Spectrum CBD and CBD Isolate?
Broad Spectrum CBD, Full Spectrum CBD, and CBD Isolate refer to several kinds of cannabis extracts. These are also referred to as concentrates. The terms are all meant to indicate the amount of plant-produced therapeutic chemicals found in the product and the main cannabinoids (Which can either be CBD or THC). It’s a shorthand way of telling you about the diversity of bioactive material in the product in any given extract.
To learn more about the relevance of phytochemical diversity in developing CBD products, how these terms came to be, and how CBD experts interpret them today, you have to learn about the Entourage Effect and the endocannabinoid system. You can also learn everything about CBD here if everything about this seems new to you.
How Do Drug Tests for Marijuana Work?
We’ll use a urine drug test as a sample here. These drug tests are often referred to as an “immunoassay test” because it utilizes antibodies that are meant to attach to a particular drug or the metabolites in the drug. In this case, it’s the presence of THC and its metabolites. If these antibodies can identify a drug, they’ll start producing a signal which results as positive in a test. There are concentration levels meant for urine drug testing. If a test spots a drug under a particular concentration threshold, it’ll give off a negative result. So if you test positive during the initial screening, you have to go through follow-up testing.
How Long Does It Take to Break Down Marijuana Compounds in the Body?
THC is the most active ingredient in marijuana. It enters your body after ingestion and is absorbed into your bloodstream. Specific amounts of THC are stored inside your body’s fatty deposits and organs. Meanwhile, in the kidneys, THC can be reabsorbed into your bloodstream. THC is eventually broken down when it reaches the liver. The average dose of THC contains at least 80 metabolites, but the most common ones include 11-OH-THC and THCCOOH. A drug test tends to look for these metabolites, which will remain in your body for longer periods than the THC itself. Eventually, THC and the metabolites found in it all leave your body through waste.
What About THC Metabolites Like Delta 8?
Like THC, how long does Delta 8 stay in your system will depend on plenty of factors, even though lots of research has said that Delta 8 can remain inside your body for around three days? Taking a standard drug test of any type will help detect Delta 8 inside your system. Delta 8, a product of Delta 9, is a type of psychoactive cannabinoid found inside marijuana plants. Delta 8 works by attaching to a certain brain cell receptor, including neurochemicals known as dopamine. Whenever Delta 9 THC binds itself to these receptors, it starts a reaction that leads to that high feeling commonly associated with marijuana usage.
What Are the Benefits of THC and CBD Use?
Is THC needed? It has generated plenty of critics, and many believe that this compound doesn’t have any medicinal value. However, science has proven that this isn’t the case. When partnered up with other cannabinoids such as CBD, THC has been found to help people deal with physical and mental issues. And a lot of THC-rich products, if given the right dosage, actually contain a lot of great benefits for a person’s everyday health.